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Free program that allows users to easily update, manage and restore all Windows drivers

Free program that allows users to easily update, manage and restore all Windows drivers

Vote: (78 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Innovative Solutions


Works under: Windows


Program license

(78 votes)




Innovative Solutions

Works under:



  • DriverMax is easy to use.
  • This program has an accessible and attractive interface.
  • DriverMax creates a restore point that allows users to easily backup and restore their drivers.


  • DriverMax requires frequent updates that can interrupt regular computer use.
  • This program prioritizes paying customers and gives them faster downloads than free users.

DriverMax is a program for Windows that checks for and updates computer drivers. Drivers with a computer are like the glue that holds the hardware and software together. All external computer components like webcams need both hardware and software to function. DriverMax eliminates the need to scour the internet for necessary driver updates. The typical way for Windows users to update their software is through the device manager. The device manager does not always detect and install the drivers necessary to run all computer hardware and software. Video cards frequently require new software updates to ensure they work with the newest software.

DriverMax simplifies the device manager process by automatically locating and installing drivers for the user. The Windows method of installing and updating drivers was never particularly intuitive. This program's interface makes the driver installation process easy. The database automatically scans the computer for necessary driver updates. It then gives the user a list of different updates that can be installed. These updates can be a little frustrating to sift through because many of them aren't mandatory to keep the devices functioning. That is, DriverMax is incapable of discerning between useful and useless driver updates. Most people install driver updates because they want to ensure that their computer will continue running smoothly. Some of DriverMax's suggested updates contain external bundled software for the drivers that are unnecessary.

Many people may find themselves frustrated with the fact that DriverMax prioritizes paying users over free users. DriverMax automatically puts free users in a waiting line. Users can only download the selected drivers after waiting a significant amount of time. Users who are Internet savvy can look up the necessary driver updates online and download them manually to bypass this process. However, this is a lot more challenging because driver updates often have different versions. DriverMax also has a lot of web-based tools that users can take advantage of. Using DriverMax's web-based elements requires creating a free account.

DriverMax creates a restore point each time the user installs a new driver. This ensures that each additional driver does not cause irreversible damage to the computer. Some drivers also conflict with existing software. So, backing up drivers is the easiest way to make sure that the newest driver updates don't damage what's already on the computer. DriverMax is simple, easy to use and has a flashy interface. The program's biggest drawback is that it limits free users to downloading only three driver updates a day. This program is best for those who only need to add one or two drivers to ensure their PC is functioning correctly.


  • DriverMax is easy to use.
  • This program has an accessible and attractive interface.
  • DriverMax creates a restore point that allows users to easily backup and restore their drivers.


  • DriverMax requires frequent updates that can interrupt regular computer use.
  • This program prioritizes paying customers and gives them faster downloads than free users.